تيم همكاران

پروژه منبع بازي همچون كيوننا نياز به زمان شخصي از همكاران مختلفي دارد. اين نسخه از انجمن ساز كيوننا حاصل دسترنج همين همكاران ميباشد :
- Matias Griese: Developement
- Florian Dal Fitto: Developement
- Joshua Weiss: Design and Developement
- Jelle Kok: Design and Testing
- Ron Severdia: Design
- Janich Rasmussen: Contribution
- Sven Schultschik : Languages
- Michael Russell: Forum Moderation and Documentation
- Richard Binder: Forum Moderation and Testing
- Sami Haaranen: Forum Moderation and Testing
- Joe Collins: Forum Moderation and Testing
- Oliver Ratzesberger: Founder
The Kunena Team would like to thank the community for its help and support. We also appreciate the hard work of everyone who have translated Kunena into many other languages. In addition we would like to thank many members of www.kunena.org, past and present, who have contributed and helped make this a more stable and bugfree version.
همكاران ترجمه : ترجمه زبان فارسي كيوننا توسط تيم رسمي مترجمين فارسي كيوننا و الحاقات آن . با تشكر از اعضاي گروه ترجمه فارسي.
براي برگشت به انجمن اينجا را كليك كنيد